The bible gives us accounts of Jesus and his disciples and their fishing experience. Here are how the stories go:
Scene 1 (Before they encountered Jesus)
See Luke 5:1-11.
Note Peter's response: He fell at Jesus' knees and begs Him to go away, recognising his own sinfulness.
And Jesus responds: "Do not be afraid" (Luke 5:10); "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Mark 1:17)
This was the first time Peter, the Zebedee brothers (James and John) met Jesus. They had not yet witnessed the miracles that Jesus later performs before their very eyes. Jesus invites them to follow Him.
Their response: They pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. (Luke 5:11)
Do you remember the first time you encounted Jesus? And His invitation to follow Him? It must have felt so fresh and filled with anticipation as to what adventures awaited you. I think this was the same thoughts the disciples must have had then when they left everything, to follow Jesus.
Scene 2 (After Jesus was crucified)
After Jesus' death, the disciples returned to their former traits as fishermen to the same sea though different location. (See map of the Sea of Galilee here). Here we see a similar scene as to the first. The main casts are the same (Peter, Zebedee brothers and Jesus) as well as the activity (fishing and the miraculous catch).
See John 21:1-14.
Note Peter's response this time: As soon as soon as he heard it was the Lord, he jumped into the water and swam to Jesus.
And Jesus again invites them to be with Him: Bring some of the fish you caught and come and have breakfast.
The disciples recognised the act of catching a net full of fish and they knew it was the Lord (John 21:12).This time it was different; they had spent 3 years with Jesus and witnessed countless mircales happen before them. But it is Jesus' question to Peter that sets the 2 scenes apart:
"Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?"
Some of us may have known and followed Jesus for a few years now. At the end of the day, that is the question each one of us must answer. Do we truly love Jesus? Our Lord asks us the same question today, 3 times. Just to be sure. Not for us to reassure Him. But for us to be sure of our love for Him. It goes beyond head knowledge, down to our hearts and then to our innermost being.
What would your answer to that question be today?
As for me, I'm stuck at question 2. As I examine my heart, I know there are things I need to surrender and seek our Lord's forgiveness before I can honestly say, I truly, love Him.
Lord help me love you more each day; starting from today.
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