I have to admit I have had times when I get frustrated at the little one for his constant crying and I have to firgure out why he's crying and how to make him stop. I find myself losing my anger at him at times too. :( But a light bulb went on when Fannie shared these simple yet profound truth about the crying...
"That's how babies communicate dear. They can't talk and tell us what's wrong and the only way of telling us that they're hungry, the temperature is not right, need a diaper change, scared, need a hug, unwell etc... is by crying. And so as an adult who can communicate and understand, we shouldn't expect a baby to 'tell' us how they feel. We just have to figure it out and attend to him accordingly."
I paraphrased but the important thing that helped me deal with the crying is to know that that's how babies communicate! (Like duh!?) And I never got angry when Caleb cried again! :)
Such wisdom my wife has...
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