Monday, December 2, 2013

My sisters.. Their nephew.

Note: this was written prolly 2 years ago now.. When Caleb was the only baby in the family. :)

Read "Faith begins@Home MOM" recently and after every section there was a box with Qs in it which required some thinking/ reflection. One of it was this:- "What would you want to pass on from your childhood to your children?"

I can prolly think of a few things but the first that came to mind was growing up with my sisters and cousin. They're a big part of who I am today. Because I'm the youngest, they all looked out for me. In a way unique to their own personalities. And because I'm the youngest, I also became the reason they got into trouble with Ma when I misbehaved. Ah.. Good times. :P

Now having a child of my own, they are looking out for Caleb. All of them really really sayang him very much - maybe because he's really adorable? Or maybe because he's my son? And because they love me, they now love him too? Or maybe it's all these reasons and more..

A song by Corrinne May which prolly would have a special meaning for my sisters..
Entitled "My little nephew"

its funny how one thing happens and changes your whole point of view
everything that seems to matter, has cast aside for a better truth
you're growing faster with every minute, second, photograph
i wish i could spend more time with you
my little nephew

everyday a new discovery i'm a child again looking through your eyes
with every step you're teaching me how to fall and cry, get up and smile
you're growing faster with every minute, second, photograph
i wish i could spend more time with you
my little nephew

but you're far away and i am over here
memories are lost in these span of years
so, when i go will u miss me?
when i go will u remember me?

you're growing faster with every minute, second, photograph
i wish i could spend more time with you
my little nephew

see you'll learn to tie your shoes
say the sky is blue
and that your bestfriend has winnie the pooh
my little nephew


Thumbelina, nah2, mimei, sweetheart, Qi.. These are just some of the ways we'd call her. Even before she came into the world, we wanted to give her a name which would remind her that she's very special to us. Mainly because we've heard so much about "the middle child syndrome" and we'd love to have more than 2 children; which would essentially result in her being the middle child but we wanted her to know that her position doesn't make her any less than who she is, especially who she is to us. But in the end, her Chinese name meant that she was the blessing of the family. And she really lived up to that name.

Ever since she came around, she hardly complained I.e. cry or fussed. Well, surely there are moments of hunger and crying out for attention but the laughters and smiles surpassed it all! She's at the "tod-by" stage now (baby transitioning to toddler) and she's less of a sleepyhead now than in her first 6 months of life but her awaking moments bring all of us so much joy - including Caleb. For a toddler to love his baby sister is not exactly the most natural thing I guess (I mean, imagine putting puzzles together and getting it dismantled by this tiny dude or how she waits to pounce on his snacks when he's not looking) but Hannah is really lovable. Not just likable. She's lovable.

Her babyhood passed so quickly. I'd love to relive those moments except that I do enjoy now being able to sleep through the night but more so how she's able to do silly things with her brother and laugh their heads off together.

Hannah, even though we didn't give you a name which means precious, never forget that you are very very precious to us and truly God's gift and blessing in our lives.