Friday, December 17, 2010

Adventures at a Youth Retreat

Mama and I followed Papa to the Year-End-Youth-Leaders-Retreat at Changi from 13-15 December 2010. :p

Make-shift bathtub

Jungle Walk

It was my first camp experience as I also had to adapt to the 'harsh' living conditions and participate in the activities. *phew* But I was able to 'survive' the retreat and I got to know many Kor Kors and Jie Jies there! :)

Retreat was tiring! *phew*

Me crashing the meeting

 Maybe when I'm older I'll enjoy the adventure more. :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tripping to KL with Mom

Mama wanted to send Grand-Aunty Christine (Mama calls her Ai Ayee) and Aunty Cheryl off cos they were heading back to Sydney so I accompanied her back to KL from 7-9 Dec 2010.
Can you find me? :p

I got a fair share of pampering when I was back in KL from all my Ayees and Por Por. :)



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

FLY Youth Camp - Live Out Loud!!

Attended the youth camp (3-6 December 2010) and woohoo!! I feel young again!! (NOT!) :P

Such a blessed time! The face of youth ministry has changed much. I've got a lot to learnt; a lot of names to remember; a lot of praying and seeking the Lord as to what I'm here in Frontline Youth for in such a time as this.

But one thing I'm already burdened for is that I see how they respond during camp and can't help but feel that it might be temporary. I question hpw many of them would still be 'on fire' for Jesus say in March? Sadly my cynical mind tells me this is just a 'camp high'. I broke down pleading that it would last.. this feeling of being close to God.. Lord burn deep in their hearts and be ever so real to them..

Lord these are the young ones that ypu've entrusted into my care for the next few years. May I be able to lead them in the way of the Lord and help them step into their spiritual destiny of sons and daughters of the Living God!

What would 2011 bring? Lord lead on... show us yor wonders... take us to another level with you...