And so we are parents.. its still rather surreal to think that we have a little one in the family.. another addition to the Goh family.. what's most amazing is the sheer timing of it all. Still can't forget when we first went to a GP to confirm the pregnancy and the Doctor said the EDD was 3rd Oct 2010! That happened to be my last day of work at MCYS! Well it was close but the cool thing about it was that I JUST returned my laptop to HR on 4th Oct and was gearing and ready for baby's arrival. And sure enough, God decided he was ready to come out to meet us the very next day. Shall attempt to log our adventure to the delivery ward till baby's arrival from my point of view...
Was told to 'check in' at 9am to be preped by the nurses. This was the ward that we were in...
Amazing thing was that when Doctor Poon checked Fannie, she was already 4cm dilated! (She didn't even feel anything!?) Praise God for the Doctor said it was a good sign cos it menat he didn't need to induce. So the waiting game began. I thought Fannie was sleeping when she was quiet so I kept wanting to wake her up to let her listen to Kai Jin's encouragements. Turns out she was actually feeling the contractions at that time and was trying to be still/quiet for those moments. *oops!*
It was only till about 4pm that the Dr came to check again that Fannie indicated she was ready (feeling like pushing). So it all happened rather quickly and Fannie was assisted into position. 2 midwives came and helped and I was there together holding onto her. Could see that she was really pushing very hard and I could also see progress as baby's head came out slowly! It was only when Dr suggested to use the vaccuum thingy that baby came out a lot faster. All in all I think the labour period took about 35-45mins. It was just amazing seeing the whole baby come out of Fannie! *whoosh!* Such an amazing experience! I was then allowed to cut the ambilical cord *coolness*. They quickly wrapped baby and weighed and measured him. They also counted his fingers and toes and put him to Fannie. Here are some of the pictures from the hospital.
Our First Family Picture |
Baby and Fannie |
Wrapped up right after delivery |
And so it came to pass, at 1634H, 5th October 2010, baby was born to us! Here are some of the hospital pictures taken while in the hospital. :)